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Reply to "Negative Seller Reaction"

I absolutely LOVE the automatic e-mail response as it saves me having to do anything if I win. My pager just goes off and I know that the seller has my mailing info and everything else. The one thing I HATE about the auto e-mail response is the line that says, "USE WHAT OTHERS ARE USING TO BEAT YOU." We are e-mailing a seller for gawds sakes, not another bidder. I am sure they enjoy being told to use the same thing I used to beat them...OUTTA SOME CASH! I don't mind telling them that I used AS, but I do mind being so snide about it. I have outweighed the pros and cons and still send the auto mail. I have sniped over 800 auctions and have had maybe one negative reply. Most sellers love the fact that they don't have to wait and wonder if they are ever going to hear from you. I love snipers and I love sniping!

"The biggest tragedy in life is not death; it's what dies inside of us while we are still alive."