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This is a wonderful service. You do not have to be at your computer for bidding. Thus you don't have to constantly think about getting back to your computer, which is very annoying for your family. You MUST use a service like this to "come in under the radar" of the professional e-bayer's. If you don't use this service, the professionals watch your bids and you are actually defining the price of what this item is worth for them. How else would they know? So you have just bid against yourself by letting them know how much it is worth. PROBLEM. We aren't the only ones using this service. I am getting KILLED with a LEAD TIME OF A MINIMUM OF 3 SECONDS. I am still getting outbid by 1 dollar!. I have to be able to come in at 1 or 2 sec. I know this greatly increases the risk of my bid not making it in time, but, that is a risk I am willing to take. Because currently, they see my bid at 3 sec and come in at a few dollars more. So I still don't get the item. Dean
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