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Reply to "Multiple AS clients."

Re: recapping a few more of scottopoly's statements:

***JUNE 05, 2003 02:48 AM***:
" ... But it is somewhat bad to outbid someone at the last minute specifically because then they will not be able to rebid ..."

" So, in conclusion ..."

***JUNE 05, 2003 03:55 PM***:
"... all that's left is putting 2 and 2 together and sending a warning or displaying a warning when I load the my snipes page ...'

***JUNE 07, 2003 04:36 PM***:
"... I'm somewhat against AS in the first place cause it gives an unfair advantage to those who use it .... it screws some poeple over given the current bidding mechanics, but only stupid people, and who cares about them. ...."

"This is why his (sonofagunt) idea was a practical one, and would save money, (although somewhat illegally and immorally)..."

"ya, people seemed bothered that AS might ever consider canceling THEIR bid, I mean, the horror! ...."

"because it IS underhanded to bid late specifically with the purpose of not giving poeple time to outbid you. ... Ebay should try to regulate or outrule underhanded systems..."

***JUNE 08, 2003 01:51 AM***:
"sorry to outlive your attention span ..."

"the snipe always screws someone ...."


Based on the statements you made above (as well as your other statements I recapped on 5/5/03 4:12 PM), it sounds like you see something wrong in sniping ("bad", "against AS", "it screws, "it IS underhanded", "Ebay should try to regulate", "the snipe always screws someone"), but then you want AS to tell you about previously placed snipes ("would save money", "displaying a warning"). Wouldn't the change you are purposing make AS even more "underhanded"?

You state that sniping lowers the ending price, but then you suggest that AS not place, or warn about, competitive snipes. Wouldn't that lower the ending price?

You say, "it screws some poeple ... but only stupid people, and who cares about them." Does that mean the "bad", the "against", the "screws", the "underhanded" is OK if it only happens to "stupid people"?

The comment about attention span was uncalled for. The reason I continue to summarize your statements, is to point out that you seem to continue to contradict yourself, thereby, putting an unfavorable light on your attention span.

Here's an idea that one of my learned associates suggested: Maybe you take "an opposite side just to get discussion started" and your "playing 'devil's advocate'".

"Yes of course that's obvious, but unless Ebay changes their system, people will never all bid max. (Therefore, the snipe always screws someone (maybe someone not great at bid-theory))" [6/8/03 1:51 AM] - Since that was your 30-word-statement, I'll assume that is the issue you have been trying to make, and not that you would like AS to make any changes that would ACTUALLY "screw" someone (the seller).

PIG: I thought you might appreciate my thoughts to another one of you.