quote:If you are sitting on a beach somewhere in Costa Rica as you read this, with all the money you scammed from customers accounts sitting in an offshore bank somewhere, I applaud you, and I am even more glad that I didn't give you my credit card information.
What a load of absolute "Tosh"
Talk about whinge - don't you ever make a mistake?
On the whole AS are pretty good, things do go wrong and some of it is beyond their control.
To accuse them of being "scam artists" is beyond belief. That, certainly, they are not.
People like you are always losers in life because you simply don't know how to talk to, or treat others.
Time you sorted yourself out - this was, after all, only an auction! If minor events in life bring upon these ranting fits, perhaps you should look at yourself in the mirror while you do it!
To put it succinctly, the rest of us think you are stark raving bonkers!
Goodbye - have a good life down on the "Happy Farm"