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Reply to "Memorial Day"

I have no idea how you live or care! Why should I?
Yes, I have four children and have raised a couple of grands and am raising a great. I do not enslave them!! Nor, do they enslave me!! We have a very loving, caring, sharing relationship!

Don't think I can worry about the past of our country, rick. Our future is much more important. I was not there and cannot change anything. I do know that today we all can succeed if we try without handouts.Very few succeed this way; most succeed by their own endeavor. We can all make changes if we give some effort to it and not sit around quoting and misquoting. It takes work.

And no, I am not throwing you or anyone bread crumbs. I was speaking of myself. I am retired!! Roll Eyes
Learning about agape love is good.

rick said:
"had a feeling you’d say something. Unlike some, I try to avoid being capricious with my choice of words, and statements (there’s the second hint – should I leave bread crumbs?). What do you think, I’m just living on Mumsie’s billions (more hints?)? ["throw in a big grin and a winky]"