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Man, I Hate Junk Mail with a Vengence Now

My Indiana Sales Tax withholdings were due on 01/30/2003 - they had to be postmarked Friday to be considered on time. I had them all made out, ready to go and they were sitting out on the desk.

All day Friday, I had this sinking feeling that I was forgetting something. So in my mind, I kept going over my mental to do list. Well, this morning I found the envelope of them buried underneath Saturday's junk mail.

Now I am almost sure that the State of Indiana - being run by the greedy, self-serving morons that infest Indianpolis and the state house - is going to exercise thier right to assess a 10% penalty on the more than ten thousand dollars in sales tax that was collected this past year.

I think that junk mailers are responsible for this. Had they not sent me thier crap, I would have seen the envelope and that would have trigged my memory to go down and mail them.
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