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Reply to "LMAO alternatives (more descriptive)"

Mike, my little hand-held Franklin Language Master shows license or licence as a noun, and license as a verb, but Microsoft Word gets a spell check on licence, but not on Microsoft – go figure.

Here are some more confusables (not sure if it applies to both side of the ocean) from my hand-held (don’t mean that as an indication of my morning activities):
accept/except; allusion/illusion/delusion; already/all ready; altogether/all together; among/between; amount/number; astrology/astronomy; bail/bale; bare/bear; beside/besides; ceremonial/ceremonious; civic/civil; compare/contrast; contemptible/contemptuous; continual/continuous; credible/creditable/credulous; defective/deficient; definite/definitive; desert/desert/dessert; disinterested/uninterested; economic/economical; efficacious/efficient; famous/infamous; fatal/fateful; figuratively/literally; flaunt/flout; foregoing/forgoing; formally/formerly; fortuitous/fortunate; imperial/imperious; imply/infer; industrial/industrious; judicial/judicious; less/fewer; like/as; luxuriant/luxurious; momentary/momentous; moral/moral/morale

Whew! I think I’ll stop at M.