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I'm losing it - big time!

I haven't been hiding, just away on holiday and ill with a chest infection that doesn't want to respond to anti-biotics. So why am I losing it?

Well I have bought a Nikon lens (and paid for it within 2 days) from a seller the likes of whom I have never met in four years of ebay trading!

My email to her last night gives a sample of my battle - after her threat to send an expensive lens in an envelope and give me a refund of $11 because I had dared to ask her to mail it surface!


As you are now being very, very silly about the packing and the postage, I thought I would respond in a like manner, as you obviously think you now have the upper hand!

>>A fairy story<<

Just started on it, not completed, no fancy HTML or menu system yet, not sent to the various ebay message boards for comment, but it could be quite interesting reading by the time this saga ends and I receive a smashed lens in a tatty envelope in seven weeks!

I can only say one thing to you - "Grow up!" I presume you are a mature woman, so what is the problem? I have paid in full. (You realise this as you are now trying to give me a refund!) Did I ask for one?

I simply require you to post my lens, well wrapped & packed by surface mail, with recorded delivery. Insurance may not be possible, but recorded delivery is. You can keep the change. If the lens arrives broken or damaged, I expect a full refund. I hope this is clear enough. Any more nonsense from you, and this will become a full web site devoted to your stupidity.



See what I mean - I am jumping up and down with fury thinking "how do I cope with an idiot" and turning rapidly it one.

Why am I behaving like this?

Should I complete the web site and publish all the emails? Should I just calm down and forget it - after all whats a smashed $80 lens in the grand scheme of things!


PS Congratulations Lexie. Name suggestion - My grandfather called my Uncle, Rioty Marshall because he was born during the riots when Marshall law was declared!
Not all those who wander are lost. Tolkien
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