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Reply to "How about a loan???"

The growing trend here is definitely inattentiveness; many drivers are two busy swapping CDs, making mobile calls, eating their breakfast, reading a paper or map. <snip> ...tailgating is rife - no-one looks far enough in front to see what is happening, so we get these multiple pile-ups on motorways.
They have no concept of stopping distances at all.
One of my pet-peeves -- I like to leave space between me and the car in front so I have more reaction time, because I'm, know...eating lunch and steering with my knees! Anyway, inevitably someone will pass me and slide into the space in front of me. So then I need to back off again to create my buffer zone, and somebody else pulls in the space in front of me! It seems like I'm backing up all the time -- it's a wonder I ever get to where I'm going! Where was I going anyway???