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Reply to "Holiday"

We do most of our Christmas on the eve. That started a long time ago, so Moms and Dads could sleep in I think.

The BIG family get-together with G’mas, uncles, in-laws, cousins, (it goes on and on) starts shortly after noon. We visit and snack all afternoon gearing up for a huge dinner at about six. Everyone brings something, so there is no shortage of food. About an hour after the kids start asking “Can dinner be over now” we finally give in and the presents are handed out. We open two or three at a time, youngest to oldest. Back to some more visiting, snacking, and playing with toys. The party slowly winds down and we call it a night.

Christmas Day is the smaller family get-togethers, leftovers (no cooking on Christmas) , phone calls to those far away, and a few more gifts.

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