I have a multileveled family, so Christmas takes a lot of planning! I start making candy, etc. weeks before Christmas. (hard to keep it hid, however!

)I teach and sing Christmas songs to the little ones and the older ones help me as they have much better voices and play the piano better! It is so exciting to tiny tots! We love watching Christmas stories. We do also go to Church together. On Christmas morning, I am up early, early. ( the night before, we have a cookout and get together with relation and friends)Pies are in the oven, along with a ham and turkey. Then the children awake. The tree is lite and gifts are opened. After, we have a special Christmas breakfast . We all give thanks for our blessings. The rest of the day is eating, eating, eating! LOL! New Years at our house is fairly quiet. We don't go out, just watch the New year come in together.