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Reply to "Hey Puppie!!"

The following table has been reorganized and sorted into date order.  First
bid placed is line #1.  That should make it easier to follow the auction.
Two additional columns have been claculated and added.  They are the current 
bid and high bidder, as displayed on eBay after each bid is placed.        v2.1.03
* = Winning bid. (may be less than actual maximum entered.)
                     Max                        Current Winning
 #    BIDDER         Bid      Day & Time         Bid  &  Bidder
                    (US $)
  1   65smooth       35.00   12-Feb  02:28:05    35.00   65smooth     
  2   clzint         51.01   17-Feb  07:43:49    36.00   clzint       
  3   65smooth       42.00   18-Feb  15:02:51    43.00   clzint       
  4   nmac1        *107.50   18-Feb  16:31:02    52.01   nmac1        
  5   thistlepussh  105.00   18-Feb  16:31:07   107.50   nmac1        
  6   thistlepussh  105.00   18-Feb  16:31:08   107.50   nmac1        

How do you do those tables?
