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Reply to "Has anyone else discovered they are suddengly "BLOCKED BY SELLER?""

Did you notice if any of ebay's pages, particularly their search pages, looked different from normal? Sometimes that is a hard question to answer because it seems as if everything is always changing. Several times ebay has put me into their beta testing group. Participants were selected randomly and may not have known they were in it. After one such instance, I lost a bid due to the "blocked by seller" message, even though I had won from the same seller not long before. Something other than myself had caused ebay and paypal to un-link. It is my odd notion that something in ebay's random beta testing mode may cause the un-link malfunction. Next time you log in you may not be in beta anymore, and the paypal link will resume its normal function. They (eBay) SHOULD let you opt-in or let you know they put you in so that you can opt out, but they'd rather have unsuspecting guinea pigs for customers. Guess they want to gauge true customer response rather than what they'd get if the customers knew every keystroke was being analyzed by prying eyes.