With the cell phone companies ... you really have to shop around in your own area, as I have found out! Everything depends on the number of cell towers and their placement where you will be using the service. Here in Seattle service is often spotty because of the terrain. Most of the cell phone companies only give you a two week period in which to cancel your contract so the most viable solution is to ask everyone you know who they use for cell service and how their reception is. Unfortunately I didn't do that - after my problems a lot of my friends told me they had ditched t-mobile because of poor reception. In other cities, t-mobile might be the best carrier available. What bothers me more than the poor reception is that they continually told me that my service would improve, then refused to let me out of my (almost complete now!!!) contract when it didn't. I think a year and a half is plenty of time for them to honor their 'new tower in 6 months' promise.