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Reply to "Fortune Cookie IV"

M said:
I do question that! Wink
Allow me certain liberties with this salivary subject. There is a curious phenomenon that I have observed while driving. Any numbers of young males will open their door and bend their head towards the pavement. Fortunately I’ve only witnessed this behavior while said youths were stopped at traffic lights. I’m fairly convinced that they perform this ritual without wearing shoulder belts. Around high schools, colleges and universities this activity is very pronounced. I have even witnessed this occurring more than once with the same youth(s) at the same stop light. In the tradition of the question that I quoted at the beginning of my post, “I *do* question that!” Just what are said youths doing? Are their windows not functioning, thus making it necessary to open their doors? Perhaps they would be better served it they drove convertibles? What happens if they don’t encounter any red lights? Does this activity have anything to do with the volume of the music they are listening to? Should the auto manufactures provide some accessory to eliminate the requirement to open doors? I haven’t seen anyone on a motorcycle do this. Obviously there’s no door to contend with on a motorcycle, but I suspect that helmets might be the main deterrent. Maybe there should be helmet laws for those that open their door at intersections. That might not be an improvement in effectiveness, but it would increase safety.