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Reply to "Exorbitant Shipping Fees"

The issue isn't that I knew what the shipping would be upfront. The issue is that I paid for $25's worth of shipping but only got $6's worth of shipping. She pocked THREE TIMES the price of the actual shipping! I WAS PRICE GOUGED!!!

Robert: As far as the ultimatum is concerned, it was not black mail in any stretch. I, as a very dissatisfied customer, was stating to her, in no uncertain terms, what the consequences would be if she refused to refund some of the exorbitant portion of the shipping service I paid for and never receive. Do you honestly think that she was justified in pocketing and extra $18 of my money??? Her practices were nothing short of decptive and she has no right to get away with that.

And as far as waiting "until everything is resolved or obvious that you will not receive satisfaction", that's exactly what I did do!! I tried every cordial and polite appeal I could think of before this all occured, only to be met by very impolite and rude replies. That, more than anything, led me to go from neutral to negative feedback.

Saltburn: the items were NOT properly packed. Furthermore, she didn't care. Thus, negative feedback. And I still feel good about doing so. It was the right thing to do.

Ron Natalie: You overlooked a lot of the details that have already been clearly stated, before. Not that I need your sympathy or anything, but you might want to go back and read the entire stream, and see if your comment still stands.

Everyone, Thanks!! I appreciate your comments