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Reply to "e-mail notification when bid too low?"

Originally posted by Danny:
Trying not to waste the forum's time, I searched "nibblers" on the forum, and have been browsing posts. There's a whole philosophy of strategy (with sometimes some strong moral opinions) involving nibbling, double bidding, sniping, and so forth--is there a reference other than the AS FAQ, which I've read, that can clue me in?
I found this site has lots of good ideas:
There are various links on that site that will provide additional food-for-thought. Hopefully the links I left will encourage exploration and not a headache.

Originally posted by Danny:
If my AS snipe wasn't entered until an hour after the winning post, how could my snipe have triggered that incremental proxy bid?
The snipe acted no differently than if you placed a manual bid. Your snipe triggered ebay’s proxy bid to increase headachedoc’s proxy bid. If you noticed, headachedoc didn’t make a second bid (only one entry in the bid history), but his proxy bid only increased to beat your bid by one increment.

Originally posted by Danny:
E-bay supposedly bids on the proxy in response to real time bidding and they shouldn't have seen my AS snipe until it was placed.
And ebay *didn’t* see your AS snipe until it was placed.

Originally posted by Danny:
The chances that another eBay proxy bidder chose exactly the same oddball amount as I did is pretty slim?
headachedoc’s bid might have been a nice round number like $50. The only reason it’s an odd bid was because it was exactly $1.00 over your $32.57 bid.

Originally posted by Danny:
If the winner's proxy bid was $33.57 at 5pm, how come AS sniped $32.57 at 6pm?
That first half of that statement isn’t accurate. $33.57 wasn’t headachedoc’s full proxy bid, but something higher. Until your snipe was placed, headachedoc “showed” a bid of $12.50 (christine9161’s $12.00 bid + $.50 for the next increment.

The answer to the second half (the question) is that you asked AS to place a snipe of $32.57, which it did 9 seconds before the end of the auction.

Originally posted by Danny:
While the notice on MySnipes said "Bid too low" which is supposed to indicate according to the explanation link that "Your snipe could not be placed because your maximum bid was below the current minimum bid," eBay history shows that the snipe was actually placed with eBay.
That is strange. Don’t know why you got that message. “Proxy Outbid” would have been more accurate.

Originally posted by Danny:
How do others respond to the "Bid too low" message on the MySnipe board when they see it before the max is locked in?
They either change their snipe amount, or they hope the top bidder will retract their bid, or they go onto the next auction.

Hope this helps.