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Double Billing?


Has Anyone else experienced this? Yes it does relate to AS, just let me give the gackground.

I took a look at Buying Manager a couple of months ago, but couldn't see it as significantly better than AS, (for one thing, I couldn't quickly figure out how to use it to snipe) so I left it alone until they were ready for launch, with the idea of revisiting it when it was ready for prime time. When I got the notice from them that they were firing up, I went in, and set up a positive balance by using Pay Pal to inject some money into my BM account, But I didn't actually use BM for any purchases.

A couple of days ago I got a message from BM saying that I owed them $24 and change. It turns out my AS buys have been billed by AS, as they should be, and again by BM. So, while I haven't used BM at all (other than to make sure I had a positive balance), I found my balance gone and they want more money from me.

A support request to them earned a terse reply saying I could go in and cancel my BM account, and I wouldn't have to pay the 'outstanding' balance, but didn't mention the funds they had erroniously removed from my balance.

This is not good....

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