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Reply to "Data Table Practice!"


First my congratulations on a VERY NICE bid analysis presentation! Looks much nicer than my final version.

Second, I'm glad I lucked into giving you such a good auction to shake out your macro! It was an auction I was watching anyway, and when I looked at all the bids that occurred in the last 3 minutes, it looked like a good candidate for you!

Things I like:
-"Reverse" listing i.e. first bid is at the TOP of the list instead of the bottom, like ebay bid histories. It is much more intuitive, I think. The only possible downside I can think of someone may not realize it right away and would be confused, but then that's why the chronological bid order number on the left!

-ID abbrev. -- how do you get your spreadsheet program to abbrev. so nice? I was just truncating the ID at an arbitrary character length (like 6 or 7). Very neatly done!

Picking nits!
I notice on this version, unlike your past versions, you didn't "*" the winning bid with a note that says the true MAX bid is unknown. (In this auction, my guess is tin's max bid is $48 based on tin's bidding pattern in this auction.) Just for another twist, does your program KNOW when the MAX bid IS known? -- when the winning bid ends up NOT being a full bid increment higher? (In which case your program SHOULD NOT "*" the winning bid w/*-note.

