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Credit Card Payment - Website Certificate

I have been using AS for several years and enjoyed the convenience of automatic deductions of payment against my credit card.
As I recently had a fraudulent transactions I was issued a new card. I am now trying to provide this to AS to replace the previous cancelled card. I am a bit surprised to see the following warning message:
"- The certificate for "" is signed by the unknown Certificate Authority "VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA". It is not possible to verify that this is a valid certificate" by one browser and "unable to verify the identiy of as a trusted site" by another browser (your browser does not recognise the Certificate authority that issued the site's certificate".

Can someone shed some light on this issue. It appears that the certificate used may be dated or misconfigured. While I have no issue with providing Auctionsniper with my card details (as before), I would like to have the confidence in knowing that the info is safe in transit and that should include a proper certificate.
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