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Reply to "Cheese Sniper & VIRUS Lookout"

Puppy: I like the Pecorino Romano,(Zerto) Its made for Grating..In Italy they have it at every Pizza bar - which also has Pasta - They grate it until you say stop. Then you stand at the Bar and eat it. If you sit down at one of the little Bistro Tables you have to pay the waiter a clean-up tip of about $3. They eat Pasta and Pizza standing but don't walk down the street with food eating like we do.
This Pec is also Pressed -But that is a short wedge at three times the price. This is a real "find" on the net. A steal at $7 a lb
Pizza in Italy is square and this Month Pizza Hut introduced real square Italian Pizza Four small assorted Squares for $12 Pizza in Italy is dressed any way you want cut to the size you want and then weighed and priced by the oz. Americans at the bar load up a real "garbage Pie and are surprised when they have to pay $5 a slice - but wonderful ingredients and cheeses. Were getting there.

I read the whole site and copied the recipe for the Honey balls as I lost mine. They are soft fried doughnut Balls drizzled with Honey
and sprinkles. Great with black coffee. I had them on the street after seeing the Sistine Chapel I was starved.- THANKS PUPPY!