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Originally posted by Serenity:
Anyone, US, that sells should try this service!! It is fantastic! I love the "no fees"! Everything is working for me except the scheduling button. I'm sure that will be worked out shortly. I like the format very well. I hope for my non US friends, it will be extended to you soon! Smile

Serenity, some questions:
  • What service were you using before?
  • What are all the pluses (besides free), or minuses (besides currently not being able to schedule) between this service and what you were using?
  • Was a spell checker available in your old service?
  • Your auctions no longer include a counter. Is this something not support in this new service?

P.S. Serenity, the coloring for the text in your auction is much improved. As a partially color-blinded (or is that color-challenged?) person, I don’t think enough sellers appreciate the impact that can have on some of us. And, since I don’t think that’s ever been discussed on this forum, I’d thought I’d go “off-subject” a bit and make a pitch to other sellers to give more consideration to the color selections they make.