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Reply to "Attention, AS members: Planned ebay outage tonight"

Glad to see that AS plans on addressing this, although “one of these days” doesn’t sound like it will be happening by next Friday. But, Chatter may have a temporary work-around. Perhaps he can be encouraged to refresh this topic every Thursday night (PST). Others have tried it (me for one), but we others always lose interest in the project after one or two Thursdays.

Not to be a naysayer, or nayslayer, or even a naystayer (soothsayer is more befitting): Is the tab for the forum still accessible from My Snipes when AS is down?

I’ve come to believe that suggestions from users (not just the “regulars”) are sincere attempts to improve AS (some may consider them criticisms and feel the need to be defensive). Lately I’m of the opinion that suggestions for improvements should be encouraged. After all, why put a link asking for suggestions, and add the additional incentive of 100 free snipes, unless AS wants to encourage suggestions?