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In answer to you, Mrs M, no, I have never been reprimanded for mentioning my web site, I just accepted the prevailing protocol and fully agree with it! Really it was a comment agreeing with you (however badly put) about Tonyzink's advertisement in his signature.

However I would like to advertise. I am currently trying to create a web site for a Vintage Show in this area that gives all its proceeds to charity (and has done for the last 11 years to the tune of £1000s) My friend & his wife went through the trauma of losing a young son slowly to Cancer and his response has been to create this show which has become enourmously popular. This rural community has taken it to heart and it now attracts thousands of visitors over three days each year. There is no commercial motive, each of us give it our skills.

I can see why I would be discouraged from listing its url when it is created, probably on the correct grounds that we all have our favourite charities and these forums would then become inundated and it is also well "off topic".

However, as a topic it might bear an airing