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Anyone else have any feature requests?

Here are my suggestions -- anyone else have any good feature requests?

1. When we modify an item on the Active list (through its Modify or Notes buttons) and the page then refreshes, the refresed page should recenter itself on the item just modified. (This can be done, for example, by writing an extra Anchor tag for the item that was just modified.) When I am reviewing my bids and doing a lot of modifications, it is a pain to have to scroll back down and find the item again every time.

2. On MySnipes, we need a way to search or filter for particular items on the lists of items. I can use ctrl-f to find items on a given page, but with multiple page lists, it takes multiple steps and some time to find items.

3. A page to see Unpaid items that I have won would be nice. Maybe the Ebay pay status can be added as a property to your "Won" items list and if you implement filtering (as in request #2 above) we can generate the page. (Ebay should provide this, but they do not.) Sometimes your items just fall between the cracks, (because you were waiting to bid on another item from the same seller to combine shipping, for example) and you forget that you haven't paid them.

4. I really like your desktop application. Please allow users to set their home page to any of the tabs. For most of us the My Snipes page (with the Active list) is the most used and should be the home page. Are you trying to force us to your homepage so that we see announcements? If so, find a small place on the desktop application to put in announcements (like right below the toolbar or on a frame at the bottom.)

5. On the desktop application, the different types of MySnipes pages -- Active, Ended, Won, Lost -- should be assignable to different tabs and take advantage of the pre-load feature. Right now, they all share the same URL -- -- and will go to the default page for that URL.

6. On the desktp app, with page refresh set, all your typing is wiped out when there is a refresh in the middle of filling out a form (like this one!) Is there anyway to detect if the user has typed anything within the last 5 seconds or so?


[This message was edited by bobken on March 21, 2004 at 02:39 PM.]

[This message was edited by bobken on March 21, 2004 at 02:41 PM.]

[This message was edited by bobken on March 21, 2004 at 02:44 PM.]
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