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Reply to "Answer Quick Finder"

For whatever it's worth, I vote we have a FAQ with the nifty flying squares presentation!

Your cheque is in the post!

So far in favour - 1
Against - 5
Indifferent - 1
Don't know - 1

It also appears that if some on this forum have their cage rattled, it immediately becomes a hunt to expose the foibles of the writer. As an ex-School Teacher (Yes Chatter163, I do have the odd higher degree in education) and as an ex salesman (yes edearl, I had to sell for my electronics business for fourteen years) and Web Developer (yes Region, that web site has nothing to do with me personally!) the best form of defence of the old order is to attack the person rather than the proposal!

Where did I say - "Don't bother with a welcome or further help, just click here!"

I absolutely agree with Jabber:
I think a brief, concise FAQ data source would be useful as a starting point, and answers could then be expanded and tailored to the questioner's specific situation. Several times, to answer a question, past forum postings are referenced, which is basically a primitive FAQ presentation.

Perhaps I hould latch on to his last words and say you are all defending a primitive form of life that should be allowed to die quietly?

OK, I will.

[This message was edited by Camera Collector on March 23, 2004 at 03:58 AM.]
Last edited {1}