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Alright Auction Sniper, You're Fired. Time to find a new company.

This is the second time in less than three weeks that Auction Sniper has screwed me. (The last time they screwed up, their 'server clocks' were off by forty minutes). I gave them the benifit of the doubt last time, since I have used Auction Sniper many times in the past without issue, however this is the last straw. I had an auction set to be bid on tonight at around 6 pm. It was for something that I had been searching for on eBay for MONTHS now (don't make them anymore). It wasn't even an expensive item or that competative a bid--I just figured, how can I guaranteethat I will win this auction? Needless to say, I assumed sniping it at the last second, as I almost always do with auctions with 2 or more bidders on it, would do the trick. Instead, Auction Sniper never bid! It didn't do ANYTHING! LAST time it screwed up, it bid 40 minutes EARLY...which would be preferrable to NEVER BIDDING AT ALL!! The "status"? "Did Not Win." No reason, no explanation...just "Did Not Win." Gee...Thanks auction sniper. I had you set to bid up to FIFTY DOLLARS on a THREE DOLLAR ITEM just to make SURE I WON IT. And what do I get? "Did not Win." How about "Did not Do Anything." Here's my email "confirmation" after the fact: Your snipe did not win because of the reason above. THERE IS NO REASON ABOVE. It says "click here." I click here. BLANK. No reason. NOTHING.
Auction Sniper has REALLY gone down the tube. I am FUMING mad. Time to find a different sniping company!!!
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