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Reply to "Adpage annoyance"

My God, how can you survive such a horror. For a split second you have to look at a page before you click. Damn, how have endured it? Oh, the huumanity! (historical reference, you won't understand it)
Do you live in a palace surrounded by servants?
I hate the phrase "get a life" but do get one. Look around you, if you ever leave your computer. Look at the homeless and hungry on the streets. Check the news. Pss, we are at war, fool.
And you whining morons have time to be concerned with a page that has to be skipped. IT TAKES A MILLESECOND!!You are just pathetic if something like that even registers in your weak minds.
Go find something useful to bitch about and quit whing about something so trivial.
By the way, I doubt if you read news magazines because if you did you would be ashamed to whine about something so minor but if you have ever opened a magazine, did you not note the page after page of ads and mail in cards that fall out. There is something called a newspaper, it is 60% ads. You ignore them and move on. Idiot.
Oh well, guess I should go have my coffee now.
Is there a way to unsubscribe from this endless whine festival?