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Accused of Sniping?

Hello everyone,

over the course of the weekend, I won seven auctions in all - three of them the traditional way, four by using Auction Sniper. One of the people outbid by me sent me an e-mail and accused me of sniping, arguing there was no way I could have won two auctions closing within thrity seconds of each other just by being there. (The auction in question was for a used CD, and my maximum bid was a whopping EUR 14,- above the end price. Yeah, I desperately wanted that CD... Big Grin)

So instead of inviting them to join the Dark Side or telling them to go where the sun doesn't shine, I just explained to them what Puppy Raiser has taught me - that it's the highest bid that wins, not the last, and that I obviously was prepared to pay more for the item than the other party. (It'll make a fine addition to my collection.) The person then argued that they would have upped their bet if only they had known I was prepared to pay more... obviously, I have not responeded to that particular piece of wisdom. Might just be my German countrymen all wound up.

My question is, has anyone had similar experiences? If yes, how have you dealt with it?

Thanks for reading this! I guess I had to vent some steam...

Best regards,

Death Is Certain. Life Is Not.
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