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Seeing that we (region2 and Rick) are discussing region2’s mistaken array of beliefs/suggestions that he imprinted on 6 years ago, but due to improvements by AS have become obsolete, here’s another one posted in a different thread by region2 today:

Originally posted by region2:
Top Tip 1. Never use a sniping service for must-haves.
This advice is also based on the dated defense against not-in-times. Now, a must-have probably has an element of rarity to it. After all, if it’s something that is auctioned on ebay on a daily bases, it might be a must-have, but how vital is it that one must have it today instead of tomorrow? There are some (few) cases where a must-have might not be rare, but these mostly like fall in “that rarely occurs”.

Now, region2, see if you can follow this, as I know you came to a different conclusion/belief/myth 6 years ago, and for you to rethink something, or to change your conclusion/belief/myth is a new experience for you. The rarity of an item would “tend” (not always) to place more demand on the item. The greater the demand, the greater the bidding and the greater the chance of bidding wars and nibblers. To avoid this, it is even MORE important to snipe the auction instead of using a proxy bid. Yes, there is a chance of power failures, ebay crashes, server problems, et al, but with the improvements in the Internet, ebay, AS, communications, et al, these issues are more rare than a rare auction on ebay. But, there’s a very real chance that by placing a proxy bid on a “rare” auction instead of sniping it, one will either be out bided or up bided. The benefits of sniping even a must-have far outweigh the risk.

Did you follow all that, region2? Spend some time thinking about it, instead of your usually off-the-hip response. Don’t you think it’s time you updated your Chatty-Cathy cliche-responses?