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Originally posted by region2:
A, or THE, reason for sniping is to prevent others from reacting to your bid, and the later the snipe, the less chance of someone reacting. You (region2) often say it’s the highest bid that wins, which is (obviously) true enough, and you (region2) often recommend, and use, an 8-second lead time, but the curious thing, is that you (region2) have often posted on this forum that no one can react to a snipe within 30 seconds, as you (region2) have also stated on this forum that it can’t be done, or is almost impossible, in 34, 39, 40 and even 50 seconds. Then why do you (region2) use an 8-second lead time? Wouldn’t you (region2) be just as safe if you (region2) used 30 or 34 or 39 or 40 or even 50 seconds? And, with the earlier snipe, you (region2) would have the additional edge of winning a later sniper’s tying bid.